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We prayed for you and prepared for you.

While we believe that an independent Christian school education is first and foremost a commitment and responsibility of the parents, we endeavor as a community to make this education accessible for those families who do not have the ability to pay full tuition.

A family’s need for assistance is defined as the difference between what it costs to attend Providence and a family’s ability to pay, as determined by the second-party FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment program. We make every attempt to meet identified needs, while also trusting our families to do their very best to contribute what they can to provide their children with the gift of distinctly Christian education.

Many factors determine whether or not a family will qualify for need-based tuition assistance. Household income and expenses, assets and debt, the number of children enrolled in a tuition-funded school, and commitment to and fit with the school’s mission and vision are examples of factors used by the Tuition Assistance Committee to determine eligibility and awards.

The tuition assistance program is only made possible through the generous gifts of friends of the school, including a number of current families who contribute beyond their own tuition charges. We are committed to wisely steward these funds.

Need-based tuition assistance awards are reevaluated annually and are not automatically renewed or guaranteed.

The Investment in a Providence Education

We set a budget and came up with a tuition amount we could afford. We prayed and God swung the door wide for our son. We received the financial assistance we needed and it was right where we needed it to be. We go through the same process every year, and each year, we are continually blown away by the generosity of those who donate to Providence for tuition assistance for families like ours. There really are no words to describe our deep appreciation.

– Parents of a Providence Upper School student

How and When to Apply for Tuition Assistance

Applying for tuition assistance is separate from the admission application process and does not affect the applicant’s admission status.

Families are encouraged to apply as early as possible. The application process opens October 1 for the following school year, with award notifications made in February and March.

Providence tuition assistance is reserved for families in our K–12 program. Preschool families are encouraged to choose a preschool enrollment schedule that reflects their financial abilities.

Priority tuition assistance applications deadlines:

Returning students—End of November
New applicants—February 1

NOTE: Students applying for admission after February 1 remain eligible to apply for tuition assistance. They should apply for assistance at the same time they apply for admission. Both the admission decision and tuition assistance awards will be mailed on a rolling basis after March 22.

 FACTS requires a $40 fee to process your application.

If you have any questions or concerns about the FACTS application process, you may speak with a FACTS customer care representative at 1 (866) 441-4637.

If you have questions or concerns about the Providence tuition assistance program, you may contact the Providence Business Office at

**Providence admits students of any sex, race, color, and national or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.  It does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, or national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, tuition assistance programs, athletic, and other school-administrated programs.