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Middle School at Providence includes Grades 7 and 8. These years are a unique time of intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth. Our highly qualified teaching team is passionate about leading students through this complex time of life.

In our private Christian Middle School, students continue to advance in the core liberal arts curriculum. Learning activities are designed especially for their level of attention and energy, and to cultivate a sense of awe and wonder for the created world.

Close personal mentorship, a rich academic curriculum, and meaningful extracurricular programs provide students maximal opportunities to grow in character and wisdom as they prepare for their high school years.


A literature-driven English curriculum focuses on analyzing stories, creative writing, and text-based expository writing. While evaluating plot structure, characters, and conflicts through a Christian perspective, students delve deeply into topics such as individual responsibility and purpose, the power of personal sacrifice, and the need to stand up for what is right. The history classes cover early civilizations through America’s founding and culminate in eighth grade with a class trip to Washington, D.C. Lessons are designed to give students an understanding of the development of human society, the foundations on which societies are built, and an ability to think critically about the world in order to draw conclusions and make informed decisions about their own futures. A third component of the liberal arts program is a broad and rotating spectrum of enrichment classes, including Spanish, performing arts, visual arts, and public speaking. The Middle School math program includes pre-algebra and algebra. One-on-one attention from the teachers helps students become thoroughly grounded in math, laying the foundation for success at the next level. Highlights of the Middle School science curriculum include life sciences, physical science, and the annual Science & Engineering Expo. We look forward to announcing a seventh-grade trip related to the science curriculum in the near future. Physical education focuses on cultivating lifelong personal health and wellbeing, including sleep training, stretching, posture habits, joint and muscle and care, and recovery from athletic activity, in addition to skill building for team sports. The Middle School years are the ideal time to sample all sorts of interests and activities. Athletic offerings vary from year to year, but typically include cross country running, volleyball, and basketball for boys and girls.


Daily Bible classes focus on the New Testament, specifically the Book of Luke, spiritual disciplines (prayer, meditation, Scripture reading, silence, and more) for the seventh grade. The eighth-grade course takes a deep dive into Old Testament wisdom literature (Proverbs and Ecclesiastes).

Chapel is held weekly, sometimes combined with the Upper School and sometimes as a dedicated Middle School experience. Students have many opportunities to participate in live music and prayer, and enjoy hearing from speakers drawn from the faculty and local churches.

An annual overnight retreat when school begins sets the theme and tone for the year. Students enjoy getting to know each other in a beautiful setting in God’s creation while enjoying fellowship, building community, and hearing from inspirational speakers. Games, hikes, pool time, good meals, and entertainment by faculty skits round out this exciting experience.


We uphold the importance of service both from a Christian perspective and from a personal perspective. In Matthew 10:45 Jesus reminds the disciples, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Not only are we called to serve, but, through service, we learn and experience things that cannot be taught in a traditional academic setting.

Service is so important that we are intentional to schedule time during the school year for our students to be involved with and learn about service. One opportunity for this occurs each fall with our Philia Day.

Philia, “brotherly love,” is described by Aristotle as “wanting for someone what one thinks good, for his sake and not for one’s own, and being inclined, so far as one can, to do such things for him.” This idea of doing something good purely out of concern for another, with no thought for personal gain, exactly describes the spirit with which we desire to serve Santa Barbara, on Philia Day and every day.

The Middle School student life program is focused on mentorship, preparing students for leadership in the years ahead. A student leadership team plans class events and activities, boosting school spirit while honing leadership skills.


Educational trips culminate after a comprehensive study of a specific subject. These trips offer opportunities to blend content with context and community to develop learners who seek the truth together and treat difference with civility.

Our National Board-certified English and history teacher, Carri Svoboda, leads students toward a better understanding of our country’s founding Christian principles on the Washington, DC Historic Tour. Each student studies one of the historic sites and prepares a research paper and presentation given to classmates, parents, and faculty. Students also serve as “expert guides” when the group visits their designated sites over the 10-day trip.

The Historic Tour takes students to Jamestown, Yorktown, and Colonial Williamsburg. In Charlottesville, students walk in the footsteps of Thomas Jefferson at Monticello and discover the tensions in his life and time as he sought freedom and justice for all. The tour concludes in Washington, DC, where students explore the White House, the Library of Congress, Arlington National Cemetery, the Capitol, the Supreme Court, and George Washington’s Mount Vernon, along with several museums and memorials.

The Historic Tour is a formative experience that lays a strong foundation for our Upper School humanities program. Students understand the fragility of freedom and what can be accomplished with resilience, conviction, courage, virtue, and sacrifice in pursuit of loving God and serving others. This historical tour is a poignant educational capstone for our middle school students that shapes their understanding of our American Heritage.

Parents are welcome to go with students on the trip and every year many choose to do so.

“We will walk in those places where freedom in our country began. We get to witness the history of those who gave their lives for the hope of a free country. We will be reminded of what it really means to look to the interest of others—maybe others we’ll never even meet—and the impact someone can have when he or she is willing to live in humility and act out of love.”

– Carri Svoboda, Middle School teacher & Historic Tour organizer


Monday–Friday:  8:10 am–2:45 pm
Activities, such as athletic practices and contests and performing arts rehearsals, may meet after the school day.

Calendar:  Late August through early June, with scheduled breaks at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring, Easter, and other holidays

School Calendar


Middle school teachers are experienced, qualified, and passionate about this age group. They are conscientious role models of mature Christian life. Classes are small, with 12–16 students, allowing for personalized individual attention.


Parent involvement as a classroom volunteer is welcome and encouraged, but not required. Parents are invited to join the Parent Association, which meets monthly to share information and plan activities to enhance the life of the school community.


We would love to meet you, share our campus and program, and learn more about your family.

When you submit the inquiry form below, the Admissions Office will respond to your request with more information about Providence Middle School.

For a personalized tour, please call our school office at (805) 962-4400 or email admissions coordinator Emilee Gastelum,

If you have any questions or want to discuss in greater detail the Providence Middle School program, do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Thank you for your interest in our extraordinary program. We look forward to partnering with your family and encouraging your child to grow and mature in these pivotal years.