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The Providence Studio facilitates an open, hands-on, creative conversation where all students are able to articulate and practice how cultural trends and developments in technology can be used to see and create goodness in this world.

The goal for this program is to take a very specific skill set, hone it, focus it, and then use it ethically, responsibly, and practically.

These digital media and fine arts courses shape, train, and equip students with the necessary skills to create content that is edifying, moral, and tells truth through the stories and ideas portrayed through fine art, photography, graphic art, video, and social media content. In doing so, students will develop into artists who positively impact our culture, country, and world.

Gallery of recent Providence Studio art

Digital Media Sequence

The Providence Studio Digital Media program is designed to introduce students to graphic media technology and techniques. These classes focus on developing skills for contemporary graphic design software by using the latest programs and resources.

 Students participate in hands-on training to produce original, creative, theme-based projects using:

  • Adobe InDesign & Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom
  • Adobe Audition & Premiere pro
  • Photography
  • Social media & networking
  • Video Storyboarding
  • Film Production

Digital media artists will have frequent opportunities to use their skills to create content to be used by Providence School and to serve the needs of the community.

Fine Arts Sequence

By fostering skills of seeing, interpreting, drawing, painting, and photographing, our fine arts faculty joyfully encourage and challenge students to discover their creative potential and enable them to visually communicate their own voices and passions.

Our visual artists have frequent opportunities to display their work, both on the Providence campus and in community locations. 

The Providence Studio Fine Art courses include:

  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • AP Studio Art: Drawing and Painting
  • AP Studio Art: 2-D Design
  • AP Photography

Hybrid Sequence

Students in The Providence Studio program have the opportunity to create a hybrid sequence of courses, drawing from both the fine arts and digital media. The hybrid sequence requires approval by a studio director.