Compassionate Community: Shining a Light in the Darkness
A Recess & Rhetoric Blog post by Mary Wilson, Assistant Lower School Principal
Like most independent schools, Providence depends upon the support and goodwill of the communities it serves to strengthen its impact and effectiveness. Above all other opportunities to partner with the school, we invite the community to support the school’s mission, faculty, students, and families in prayer.
A Recess & Rhetoric Blog post by Mary Wilson, Assistant Lower School Principal
A Recess & Rhetoric Blog post by Susan Isaac, MS/US Assistant Principal and Spiritual Life Director
From Preschool through Upper School, spiritual formation at Providence is a tender and deliberate process and is so much more than just spiritual information.
A Recess & Rhetoric Blog post by Rodney Meadth, MS & US Principal
A Recess & Rhetoric Blog Post by Evan Covell, Athletic Director
A Recess & Rhetoric Blog Post by April Torres, Sixth Grade Teacher
A Libertas Blog Post by Bruce Rottman, Libertas Scholars Program Director
Announcement of two-week intensive-study program ignites campus enthusiasm
An Engineering Academy Blog Post by Rodney Meadth, Engineering Academy Director
Back in February, we posted a blog describing the completion and delivery of our wheelchair computer desk to PathPoint. After a few weeks, we were finally able to get Mr. Meadth and Mr. Gil Addison together with his team to go over the design and get that long-awaited feedback. Feedback from the end user is critical to the entire design process. For this particular project, the Academy had all sorts of unanswered questions: will the
Following on from our last post, we’d like to provide an update: the custom computer desk for Gil Addison at PathPoint was recently delivered, bringing that particular project to a close. This desk raises up and down to any given height using an electrically driven linear actuator. The wheelchair user carries the remote control key fob, allowing complete adjustment from near or far. The desk is intentionally designed to tip the computer forwards to face
Freshmen Hans and Hunter, tools out Even in the midst of a global pandemic, the Providence Engineering Academy follows a particular philosophy that transcends circumstances. While many robotics clubs and engineering programs might teach physics, maker skills, CAD, and more, we believe that these elements—”fascinating as they may be—are only the means to an end. In the latest application form for the coming year, there are six “big ideas” listed; Big Idea Number 1 is